What Ring Means on Each Finger?
What Ring Means on Each Finger? Some people are too specific about the rings that they wear on their fingers. They know the meaning of rings on different fingers and wear their rings accordingly. Then there are some who wear rings without knowing about the significance that different fingers hold.
[expander_maker id=”1″ more=”Read more” less=”Read less”]If you belong to the latter group of people, then it is important for you to understand that the fingers you choose to wear your rings on have a lot of impact on your life. They also disclose several things about your personality, behavior and emotional state.
When it comes to rings, they can have two types of effects on a particular finger. They can either be supporting or restricting. A supporting ring can strengthen and support the qualities that the specific finger has. Likewise, a restricting ring may restrict the qualities of that finger.
It is important to note here that the size of the ring also has a bearing on the effects that it brings along with it. Usually, the bigger the size of a ring, the stronger is the significance it holds for that specific finger.
What Ring Symbolize or Mean On Each Finger? If you are looking for an answer to this interesting question you are in the right place. Let’s discuss what it actually means.
Meaning of Ring on Thumb
Wearing a ring on the thumb expresses the following:
Control – Those who wear a ring on thumb may be the ones who look for a greater need to control things.
Power & Aggression – There are some who may strengthen their aggressiveness by wearing a ring on their thumb.
Motivation & Willpower – People who wear a ring on the thumb generally wish to be strong-willed and motivated. However, there are some who may become stubborn due to the strengthening of their will and motivation.
Wearing a Ring on the Left and the Right Hand’s Thumb:
The left hand is often linked to personal life, while the right hand is associated with public life. Thus, wearing a ring on the left thumb may hint at the need to control the private life, and wearing a ring on the right thumb may hint at the strengthening of private life.
Meaning of Ring On Index Finger
Wearing a ring on the index finger represents the following:
Goal – Representing a person’s goal in life, wearing a ring on this finger may hint at the individual’s need for rewards and recognition.
Leadership – As an index finger also expresses the leadership qualities of a person, wearing a ring on this finger may indicate the desire to possess strong leadership skills. However, this may result in controlling others more than what’s expected.
Self-confidence and self-esteem – A person wearing a ring on the index finger may be in need of self-confidence and may want to give a boost to their self-esteem. Such an individual may want to gain a better understanding of the ‘self’. But this can sometimes lead to self-obsession, and the person may be labeled as ‘egoistic’.
Spirituality – Another mystical facet of the index finger is that it relates to spirituality. A person wearing a ring on the index finger may want to improve their spiritual connection with God.
Meaning of Wearing a Ring on the Left Hand’s Index Finger and the Right Hand’s Index Finger:
Wearing a ring on the left hand’s index finger means that the person’s self-esteem, leadership skills, goals, and spirituality are being strengthened in their private life. Whereas, wearing a ring on the right index finger means that this strengthening is materializing in their public life.
According to astrology, Indexing finger is for Planet Jupiter and yellow sapphire gemstone should be worn on this finger. The index finger represents the self. Index finger influences the wearer’s ability to lead and it rules ego, success, and spirituality.
Meaning of Ring on Middle Finger
Wearing a ring on the middle finger means the following:
Feelings towards others and society – An individual who wears a ring on the middle finger may want to improve others’ feelings about them. Such a person may also feel bogged down by the societal norms and may want to strengthen self-believe and the feeling to stand up for what they believe in.
Duty & Responsibility – Those who wear rings on their middle fingers may feel burdened by the several duties and responsibilities that the society imposes on them.
Seriousness – A fascinating association of the middle finger with seriousness hints at the need of a person wearing a ring on this finger with being seen as a serious human being.
Meaning of Wearing a Ring on the Left Hand’s Middle Finger and the Right Hand’s Middle Finger:
Wearing a ring on the left hand’s middle finger suggests that the person is getting restriction by the feelings they have in their private life. While wearing a ring on the right hand’s middle finger may mean that they are facing these issues in their public life.
The middle finger of the hand is the finger of Saturn, Venus, Rahu, and Ketu. Their stones are the blue sapphire gemstone, Diamond, Cats Eye Gemstone, Hessonite Gemstone should be worn on the middle finger of the right hand. The middle finger connected the wearer with a sense of discipline and responsibility.
Meaning of Ring on Ring Finger
Wearing a ring on this finger may mean:
Uniqueness – A person who wants to be seen as a unique soul with an identity of their own may want to strengthen the feel by wearing a ring on the ring finger.
Emotions – Known as the “emotional finger”, the ring finger is chosen as the marriage ring finger for a reason. Wearing a ring on this finger may mean staying loyal to your partner and attached to them emotionally as well.
Risk-taking ability – Those who want to increase their risk-taking ability may end up wearing a ring on the ring finger.
Creativity – Wearing a ring on this finger may hint at the person’s desire to strengthen their creativity.
Meaning of Wearing a Ring on the Left Hand’s Ring Finger and the Right Hand’s Ring Finger:
Wearing a ring on the left ring finger shows that the person needs to strengthen emotions, creativity, uniqueness, and risk-taking sense in their private life. Whereas, wearing a ring on the right ring finger may mean that these feelings are to be strengthened in the public life.
The Ring Finger of the hand is the finger of Mars and Sun. Stones of Mars and Sun are the Red coral gemstone and Ruby gemstone should be worn on the ring finger of the right hand. The ring finger is also known as Apollo finger. It shows creativity, artistic flair, and love of beauty.
Meaning of Ring On Little Finger
Wearing a ring on the little finger of the hand may mean:
Romance – The little finger is also associated with romance and sexuality. A person wearing a ring on this finger may indicate the desire to strengthen romantic relationships.
Communication – Being the “finger of communication”, the little finger is believed to improve the communication skills of a person if they wear a ring on this finger.
Meaning of Rings on Finger As the little finger represents money, business, and finance, often those who want to make great success in business wear ring on this finger.
Meaning of Wearing a Ring on the Left Hand’s Little Finger and the Right Hand’s Little Finger:
Wearing a ring on the left hand’s little finger means that it is their private life that needs romance and communication. While, wearing a ring on the right hand’s little finger may hint at the need to strengthen communication, finance, and business in public life.
The Little Finger of the hand is the finger of the Moon and Mercury. Stones of Moon and Mercury is Pearl gemstone and Emerald gemstone should be worn on the little finger on the right hand. Generally, it is Mercury’s finger. It represents communication, success, intuition and the relationship.
You can also read here about Gemstone Rings