How To Wear Or ChoosePearl

How Cultured Pearl Gemstones Are Formed & Its Types?

pearl gemstone is an advanced technique which has recently been developed to fulfill the rising demand for pearl gemstone in the market. Since it is quite transparent with a natural way of pearl creation pearl stone requirement of the world cannot accomplish. Hence, in order to fulfill the rapid rise in demand for pearl gemstone.

Recently, with the help of modern technique, a new way of creating an artificial pearl gemstone introduced.

However, the artificially created pearl stone appears quite similar to a natural pearl stone that it becomes almost impossible to differentiate between cultured pearl stone and natural pearl stone. And, only with the help of a microscope, a person can only describe the difference between both these stones.

While developing a cultured pearl stone an irritant is intentionally placed in the mollusk of pearl so that it forms the concentric layers of nacre around the walls of mollusk over the period of time. It is an easier and faster approach to the creation of a pearl or moti gemstone.

Japan was the first nation who commences of this type of pearl creation by a growing pearl mollusk in area under restiction,  which is regularly keeping under surveillance to keep a check on the growth of pearl stone. The colors of pearl stone are white, black, pink and white.

Different Types Of Cultured Pearl Gemstone:

Saltwater Pearl Gemstone:

Saltwater pearl stone comes from inside the saltwater lake and water lagoon. Akoya saltwater pearl stones are quite famous. Since they are indigenously grow in Japan. They export around the world as saltwater pearl gemstones are famous around the world due to their color and shapes.


Freshwater Pearl Gemstone:

The freshwater pearl gemstone grows in fresh water in spite of lagoons and salt water. A pearl mollusk farmed or cultivated in the sea or ocean in a confined or restricted area.

Some examples of freshwater pearl stones are south sea pearl stone which is famously being exported around the world where it is used in different form pearl stone rings, necklace, and other jewelry forms.

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One Comment

  1. Such an educative article about pearls. I am a pearl lover and I have a lot of pearl jewelries but never knew how they are formed.

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