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9Gem.Com Joins Hand With Spinal Cord Injury Association (SCIA) leading gemstone wholesaler and distributor have recently collaborated with the SCIA (Spinal Cord Injury Association) to extend its heartfelt support to this noble cause. Basically, the purpose of this affiliation is to help deprive & under-privileged people suffering from Spinal cord injury to lead content & prosperous life ahead. Up to now, is offering its volunteer support toward SCIA (Spinal Cord Injury Association) but, planning to raise funds & monetary support to this organization in future.

Non-Government organization :

The Spinal Cord Injury Association (SCIA) is a Non-Government organization (non-profitable) commenced in the year 2010 with the aim of assisting all those people who have been injured by the Spinal Cord Injury. The non-profitable organization provides comprehensive support to the affected people & their families both financially and emotionally.

Similarly, The motive of this group is to protect individuals against this injury. And instilling confidence among the spinal cord patients to live a respectful life ahead.

And to accomplish this goal, SCIA on regular intervals holds seminars, motivational speeches. They conducts counseling sessions for the injured people. And donate motorized wheelchairs. Reach to the new patients and plan their rehabilitation, inspire them to take part in mainstream life.spinal cord injury day

Taking its noble cause one step ahead. So, SCIA (Spinal Cord Injury Association) is going to organize a seminar on Monday 5th September 2016 at Lovely Professional University.  The event will commence in Conference Hall Block 32 at 2:30 PM Sharp. Therefore, The objective of this seminar is to aware people about spinal cord injury. And celebrate this day with the affected people. And, talk about their welfare and how to associate them with the mainstream. delighted to be part of this humanitarian cause. It will volunteer the entire event and warmly invite everyone to become part of this noble cause.


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